Capra aegagrus hircus
Appearance: Angora goats have attractive ringlets of soft, fine hair. They have been bred primarily for their fleece, called mohair, which is in high demand for the textile field. Goats’ feet are adapted to heights and rough terrain. Their hooves are able to pull close together and help them balance on small surfaces.
Range: An ancient breed that has been domesticated for dairy, meat, and fiber production, this domestic goat can be traced historically to the wild goats of Asia. They are named after the Turkish province Angora (now Ankara) from which they were commonly bred. Disliking the rain, Angoras are well adapted to a dry, mild climate.
Diet: Angoras are primarily browsing animals and thrive best where there is a good cover of brush, weeds, and grass. They have the ability to stand on their hind legs and perform intricate steps in order to strip off branches or greenery.
Date of Birth: March 2010
Ted was born on a farm in Greeneville, Tennessee and came to the WNC Nature Center in February 2011.