Open 361 Days a Year: Admissions 10:00am – 3:30pm; park closes at 4:30pm

Due to significant flooding and impassable roads in our region from Tropical Storm Helene, the WNC Nature Center is temporarily CLOSED. It will take time to reopen. We will need your support as we recover and rebuild.

Despite being closed, you can still book Custom Experiences, including private, guided tours and other small events!
Our Outreach Education team is still providing affordable, offsite programs with ambassador animals!

Pawprint Print – Otter


River otters can be found in a variety of freshwater habitats including streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and marshes. Their dens are often dug into the bank of a stream, or they may utilize an old beaver lodge, muskrat house, or even a hollow tree.


Printed on 5 x 7 cardstock, this copy of Obi-Wan the river otter’s paw is a beautiful addition to any home. The 8 x 10 frames are ready to be placed on a shelf or hung on the wall. These pawprints were taken during routine vet exams, providing a clean, clear print with both staff and animal safety in mind.

Additional information


5×8 Print Only, Black Frame 8×10, Medium Brown 8×10, Honey Frame 8×10, Black Frame 8×10